Botiga Playmobil

Descripció: Des de 1974, el concepte de joc PLAYMOBIL® dissenyat per Hans Beck s’ha convertit en un element bàsic a les habitacions dels nens amb els seus múltiples mons, des del vaixell pirata fins a l’hospital pediàtric. Des de la seva creació, s’han creat més de 3.000 milions de personatges amb un somriure mític. Amb prop de 40 temes diferents i distribuïts a prop de 100 països, aquests personatges han capturat el cor dels nens dels cinc continents. La marca representa un concepte de jocs que ofereix un alt nivell de qualitat i seguretat als ulls dels pares i dels educadors.


Lloc: Av de les Escoles 5 – AD700, Escaldes Engordany, Andorra, Andorra (AD800)

Info contacte

Empresa: Basar Valira
Telèfon: 00 376 328487

Basar Valira Toysmaniàtic

Descripció: Els prestatges i el magatzem del Basar Valira d'Andorra disposen de joguines de totes les marques, dirigides a qualsevol edat i sexe. I s'adaptaran a tots els gustos: des de jocs individuals fins a jocs de grup, passant per articles de joc simbòlic, d'altres de caràcter esportiu, d'intel·ligència i un llarg etcètera de propostes.


Lloc: Av. de les Escoles 9 – AD700, Escaldes Engordany, Andorra, Andorra (AD700)

Info contacte

Empresa: Basar Valira
Telèfon: 00 376 328487

Basar Valira Cotxes & Hobbies

Descripció: Botiga basada en productes i marques en miniatures de l’automobilisme a escala, maquetes, Slot i molts més. Està principalment dedicada a la venda de cotxes de col·lecció, però també hi podràs trobar maquetes per muntar, articles de control per ràdio i drons. Slot o Scalextric són algunes de les marques que representen, amb predomini dels models vintage de marques com Mercedes o Ferrari, que conviuen amb altres models més moderns, normalment de tipus racing. Per descomptat, molts d'aquests són models de Scalextric, per la qual cosa es poden fer servir en un d'aquests mítics circuits de carreres a escala. Si busques més varietat de vehicles, pots visitar la botiga de l'avinguda de les Escoles, 7. En aquest i altres establiments també es poden trobar vaixells, avions, helicòpters, camions, autobusos, caravanes, furgonetes, tractors, grues, motos i fins i tot tancs.


Lloc: Av. de les Escoles 7 – AD700, Escaldes Engordany, Andorra, Andorra (AD700)

Info contacte

Empresa: Basar Valira
Telèfon: 00 376 328487

Tot Lego

Descripció: En aquesta botiga de Lego a Andorra pots trobar tot tipus de joguines d'aquesta marca infantil tan famosa, amb les últimes novetats dels seus catàlegs així com de totes les seves línies de productes. Des de paisatges fins a personatges de dibuixos animats de l'actualitat, passant per vehicles, avions i un llarg etcètera.


Lloc: Av. Carlemany 45 – AD700, Escaldes Engordany, Andorra, Andorra (AD700)

Info contacte

Empresa: Basar Valira
Web: :
Telèfon: 00 376 328487


Descripció: Quatre plantes dedicades al món de l’esport. Entre les seves seccions hi trobaràs tot el material esportiu per a la pràctica dels teus esports preferits (esquí, snowboard, muntanya en totes les seves variants, running , golf, tennis, pàdel, submarinisme, .... ). També disponible disponible la gamma més extensa i les millors marques de sportwear, home, dona i nen.


Lloc: Avda. Meritxell, 110 AD500, Andorra La Vella, Andorra, Andorra (AD500)

Info contacte

Telèfon: 00 376 800 805

Basar Valira Trens

Descripció: Al Basar Valira, els trens són, sens dubte, el producte estrella. N'hi ha de totes les èpoques, des de locomotores de vapor del segle XIX fins a models que van revolucionar el món del ferrocarril al segle XX. Alguns són reproduccions de línies mítiques de l'SNCF francesa i d'altres trens clàssics de la Renfe espanyola, així com d'altres sistemes ferroviaris del món.


Lloc: C/ Picó 1-3 – AD700, Escaldes Engordany, Andorra, Andorra (AD700)

Info contacte

Empresa: Basar Valira
Telèfon: 00 376 328487

Boutique Pandora (Centre Comercial Illa Carlemany)

Descripció: Pandora és una de les empreses de joieria més prestigioses del món. El concepte de joia de Pandora és molt original, es basa en la possibilitat de personalitzar una polsera o penjoll, incloent-hi diversos charms, que podem triar en el seu extens catàleg. Totes les peces de joieria de Pandora inclouen acabats artesanals i metalls de la millor qualitat, per això persones de tot el món ja porten diàriament joies de la marca Pandora.


Lloc: Centre Comercial Illa Carlemany Avda. Carlemany 70, AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Escaldes Engordany, Andorra, Andorra (AD700)

Info contacte

Empresa: QUARS
Telèfon: 00 376 874900

Quars Illa (Centre Comercial Illa Carlemany)

Descripció: Les ulleres de sol sin un complement ple de glamour i personalitat. Queden bé amb gairebé qualsevol look, transmeten un aire de misteri que és molt atractiu i hi ha tanta varietat de models que tots podem trobar el que ens quedi perfecte. A Andorra, les millors marques se citen en Quars! Perquè disposen d'una selecta selecció d'ulleres que, sens dubte, satisfaran tots els teus desitjos. Visita Quars i comença a somiar! Trobaràs la botiga Quars a la planta baixa d'illa Carlemany.


Lloc: Centre Comercial Illa Carlemany Avda. Carlemany 70, AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, Andorra (AD700)

Info contacte

Empresa: QUARS
Telèfon: 00 376 874900

Career Ladder Identifier and Financial Forecaster CLIFF- Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Work incentives pave the way to work and financial independence for recipients of public benefits. All public benefits programs and pensions provide incentives for recipients with disabilities to return to work. While SSA provides some of the most significant cash and health care benefits, reality indicates that recipients with disabilities may receive benefits from a myriad of public sources. While SSA provides some of the most significant cash and health care benefits, people with disabilities may receive benefits from a myriad of public sources. Income and/or Net Worth are too High / Preserving the Medicaid Option
Applicants who are over the income and/or net worth limit(s) should not automatically assume they cannot meet the financial eligibility requirements for VA benefits. Many VA pension planners specialize in restructuring assets so that applicants can become eligible without becoming ineligible for Medicaid.

What is the difference between KPI and benefits?

A key performance indicator (KPI) is a measure that enables monitoring of performance in terms of progress towards a specific, defined outcome. In benefits planning, KPIs are set to measure benefits achieved. Steps, goals, objectives and targets are set early in the ATAP Framework.

The SEIE provides a powerful incentive for students under age 22 who get SSI to try paid work. This work incentive lets a student earn nearly $9,000 per year (in 2023) from work without reducing their SSI at all. This generous rule encourages young students to gain work experience that is likely to help them be more financially independent as adults. Welcome to our Web site, where you will find a wealth of information in the form of newsletter articles, calculators, and research reports. We hope your visit will help you understand the opportunities and potential rewards that are available when you take a proactive approach to your personal financial situation.

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Representing the most popular complementary & Medicare advantage programs available, MPI provides the assistance to make your Medicare experience a breeze. We are here to help educate you about the basic concepts of financial management; to help you learn more about who we are; and to give you fast, easy access to market performance data. Be sure to add our site to your list of “favorites” in your Internet browser. We frequently update our information, and we would not want you to miss any developments in the area of personal finance. COEF has the resources needed for you and your family members who want to learn more about this service — through on-line webinars or upon request community presentations.

Benefits Planner

Once you begin services with DORS, let your counselor know so that an appointment can be scheduled with a benefits planner. When we figure out how much to deduct from your benefits, we count only the wages you make from your job or your net profit if you’re self-employed. We don’t count pensions, annuities, investment income, interest, veterans benefits, or other government or military retirement benefits. If you receive a pension that is based on work not covered by Social Security, (e.g. federal, state, or local government employees) it may reduce the amount of benefits we can pay you. Please use the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) version of the Online Calculator to estimate your benefits. If you are eligible for benefits as a spouse, widow, or widower our Government Pension Offset (GPO) Calculator, can tell you how your benefits may be affected.

Improve business outcomes with intelligent fleet visibility.

Veterans planners are knowledgeable as to what documentation is needed and how to get it. Veterans advocates may be licensed attorneys or claims agents, many of which are VA accredited, meaning they are legally able to represent veterans and their surviving spouses. A designation of VA accreditation does not mean a planner is more competent than a planner who is not accredited.

Benefits Planner

(Financial eligibility requirements for Medicaid are generally stricter than they are for VA benefits). VA planners can also help to ensure that all eligible unreimbursed medical expenses are used towards lowering one’s countable income. Without properly restructuring assets and deducting unreimbursed medical expenses, one might be ineligible for VA benefits when they otherwise would be eligible. Some agencies do not charge a fee, but will take between 20% and 33% of awarded retroactive benefits, sometimes called “back pay”. As an example, say a veteran files an Aid & Attendance pension claim on August 7, 2021 and is granted the pension on February 12, 2022.

Moving towards smarter fleet management

For more information, see the updated info on the Maryland Department of Health website. Veterans pension planners often are financial planners/advisors or attorneys, but can also be independent VA specialists. As with the other two categories of VA benefit planners, some pension planners are VA accredited. Again, this is a legal term, which simply means the planner is legally able to represent their client before the VA.

Benefits Planner

Not to mention the many lesser-known but incredibly powerful benefits that you may qualify for outside of the standard retirement benefits. Each year, we review the records of all Social Security beneficiaries who have wages reported for the previous year. If your latest year of earnings is one of your highest years, we recalculate your benefit and pay you any increase you are due.

If you receive survivors benefits, we use your full retirement age, for retirement benefits when applying the annual earnings test (AET) for retirement or survivors benefits. Although the full retirement age for survivors benefits may be earlier, for AET purposes, we use your full retirement age for retirement benefits. This rule applies even if the beneficiary is not entitled to retirement benefits. If your earnings will be more than the limit for the year and you will receive retirement benefits for part of the year, we have a special rule that applies to earnings for one year. The special rule lets us pay a full Social Security benefit for any whole month we consider you retired, regardless of your yearly earnings.

  • VSOs are generally employed and paid a salary by local or state government agencies, such as the Department of Veterans Affair, the American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).
  • In Maryland, the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) participates in the Ticket to Work program and has assisted many job seekers with disabilities who receive SSDI and SSI benefits to return to work, often earning more than the amount of their cash benefits.
  • The CLIFF suite of tools developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta models the interaction of public benefits, taxes, and tax credits with wage progressions.
  • Medicaid is the most important benefit that many people we serve will ever receive.
  • Their approach to the design process helps designers and planners to improve and refine their designs, making projects more effective.

The route planner should also integrate seamlessly into existing fleet management systems. This can include being able to access and extract data from telematics systems as required for analysis. When selecting the right HGV route planner, businesses need to consider the tools which will help them optimise fleet performance. This includes looking for intuitive search functions to help plan truck journeys, customisable features to fit the business’s needs, real-time traffic information and alerts for potential traffic jams and disruptions. If you are eligible for retirement benefits this year and are still working, you can use our earnings test calculator to see how your earnings could affect your benefit payments.

Paying the Bills: Potential Sources of Retirement Income

One significant barrier occurs when career advancement puts a family above the income eligibility threshold for public assistance programs. Due to the gradual or sudden loss of these programs, career advancement opportunities can result in the family being financially worse off (a benefits cliff) or no better off (a benefits plateau) than before the wage increase. Medicaid is the most important benefit that many people we serve will ever receive. It provides comprehensive medical coverage and can supplement other health insurance.

  • At the same time, large language models such as ChatGPT use their deep understanding of language to identify potential problems or weaknesses in designs.
  • VSOs can offer assistance nearly every step of the way in the VA application process, from sharing information on available VA benefits to appealing a denial of benefits.
  • This intensive training program for Benefits Practitioners requires participation in 17 webinars.
  • HUD rental assistance programs – although chronically underfunded – offer an elegant solution for people who receive their assistance.
  • Most importantly, it can cover a variety of disability-related services that other insurance rarely if ever covers (or covers adequately), such as home and community-based services, attendant care and community behavioral health services.
  • If you have an estimate of your monthly Social Security retirement benefit (in future, inflated dollars), you can use the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), Ballpark E$timate Online, to get a basic idea of how much you need to save before you retire.

Make note of the support ID and call the application support or helpdesk to report this issue. Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income and other programs. Ask a Michigan Benefit-to-Work (B2W) Coach your questions about work and benefits.

Highlights options to enhance earning ability through use of work incentives and work support programs. With a DB101 account, you can easily save and find your favorite DB101 pages, mini-tools, and estimator sessions. If you have an estimate of your monthly Social Security retirement benefit (in future, inflated dollars), you can use the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), Ballpark E$timate Online, to get a basic idea of how much you need to save before you retire. The calculator will use this same amount of earnings for each future year up to the year you expect to stop working. The Online Calculator below allows you to estimate your Social Security benefit. To use the Online Calculator, you need to enter all your earnings from your online Social Security Statement.

My HSA Planner gives employees personalized recommendations based on their unique lifestyle and savings goals. This easy-to-use HSA decision tool can be used by both HSA and non-HSA employees. The Harlem Living Independent Center values a diverse workplace and strongly encourages women, people of color, LGBTQIA+ individuals, people with physical disabilities, and veterans to apply. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides free tax preparation services to qualifying taxpayers. Free up your time to focus on other important tasks when we assist you with regulatory compliance like the ACA, ERISA (including COBRA) and other compliance.

The 10 Best Apps for Payroll: Business Lifesavers

best app for payroll

Therefore don’t be surprised that the best in payroll software also tends to be supplied by the best in accounting software. However, it’s not simply a case of ensuring taxes and benefits are properly managed, but also that employees are provided with clear information to reflect their wages as well as necessary deductions. Today, most full-service payroll products allow your employees to log into the application and download current and historical pay stubs, along with W-2s and any other employee-related documentation.

Traditional companies offer customizable plans to fit your needs, while platforms tailored for startups offer straightforward pricing and all-inclusive packages you can get up and running in minutes. The best payroll app for your business depends on your business’s needs. If you have employees in multiple countries, you’ll need payroll software that offers compliance management for multiple countries, such as Remote. OnPay is our number one pick for payroll apps and is ideal for full-service payroll needs. As a professional employer organization (PEO), Justworks offers payroll and HR software that includes payroll processing. And while it’s not an app in the traditional sense, the Justworks payroll website is mobile responsive.

Gusto — best for easy navigation

Its features and capabilities make possible the ability to add and track unlimited employee time worked, attendance, paid time off (PTO), overtime, undertime and expense accounts. You can also issue payslips automatically using the software on a weekly, semiweekly, monthly and even semimonthly basis. Customer service is important when it comes to any type of service, but especially when you’re in charge of someone’s livelihood. If something goes wrong with your payroll, you need to be able to reach customer service and get help quickly. To compile our list of the best cheap payroll services, we looked at a variety of factors, including price, features, ease of use, customer service and reviews.

  • Let’s go through the pricing, features, reviews, and ways your business can use this tool on a daily basis to both make and receive payments.
  • This is especially so if you already make use of other Square apps in the portfolio, most notably for processing payments through your business using point of sale products.
  • However, we recommend using spreadsheet software in combination with a payroll calculator and only if you have 15 or fewer employees.
  • If you start entering payroll data on your office laptop but have to take off early to make a meeting, you can pick up right where you left off on your phone after you’re through.
  • To help in your decision-making, we took a look at a variety of payroll applications, some basic, others full-service.
  • This tool will help you stay on top of many administrative tasks, including payroll management.

OnPay is a straightforward, all-in-one payroll and HR solution for small businesses. It comes with just one competitive price—$40 plus $6 per employee per month—that includes all services. Whether paying a housekeeper, landscaper or an actual nanny, you might be subject to the nanny tax. SurePayroll is one of the few payroll apps that specifically caters to nanny and household payroll. It includes deductions for Medicare, unemployment, state taxes and Social Security.

Square Payroll

In that case, you can take advantage of Square Payroll’s automatic payroll feature. Provided your employees earn a consistent hourly rate or regular salary, you’ll be all set. The only time you’ll need to open the app is when someone is hired, fired, or gets a raise. We also weighed our own expert opinion when deciding which payroll features and HR software factors to prioritize. Please note that star ratings are reviewed frequently and are subject to change. Yes, you can use an Excel template for basic payroll calculations.

Running a payroll can be pretty simple once you’ve got the right tools and processes in place. First things first, you’ll need to gather essential information like your employees’ working hours, their salary or hourly rates, and any tax-related details. Next, find a reliable payroll software or service that’s the perfect fit for your business.


If you start entering payroll data on your office laptop but have to take off early to make a meeting, you can pick up right where you left off on your phone after you’re through. Employees can use the employee-facing version of the app to access their payroll data, check out their W-2 forms and paystubs, and even tweak their 401(k) contributions. Customers report problems with forced logouts, best app for payroll and many are frustrated with the app’s lack of features—for the most part, it works for payroll runs only and doesn’t offer the support of ADP’s software. If you need HR solutions alongside mobile payroll, RUN Powered by ADP puts HR management tips, compliance assistance, and new-hire onboarding at your fingertips. Ultimatix Payroll develops customized apps to fit your business requirements.

best app for payroll